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Our Solar Energy Partners

Doing Good Together

Partnerships Make Solar Initiatives Possible

It takes dozens of partners to bring every solar project to fruition, from landowners to engineering firms to small and large construction companies to off-takers. Our ability to make a positive impact on the environment wouldn’t be possible without the individuals, businesses, and communities that join us in our mission. 

parents showing child new solar panels

How Our Partnerships Work

Rewild will lease or purchase your land to host a solar installation, making you a partner for our conservation-minded solar efforts. Our partners enjoy:

  • A partnership of at least 20 years
  • Passive, predictable revenue for the life of the partnership
  • Playing a critical role in land protection and conservation efforts
  • Helping provide clean energy to the surrounding communities

Our Valued Partners

Each project is a massive undertaking that requires an orchestra of partners including

Civil Engineers

Wetland Scientists

Wildlife Biologists


Community Solar Service Companies

Institutional Off-Takers

Banks & Investors

Attorneys & Accountants

Trade Groups

Site Work Contractors

Let's Be Solar Energy Partners

field of solar panels

"This team developed a project on my gravel pit way faster than expected. I've done a lot of development and can say these guys know what they're doing, are extremely professional, and a joy to work with."

Baldwin, Maine

More on Our Approach

Solar Energy

We develop and construct solar energy systems that provide up to 35 years of renewable energy while improving the lands on which they’re sited.

Land Conservation

Solar energy helps reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, but we also believe in preserving the land sited for solar projects by preserving the ecosystem it provides.  


We develop and construct solar energy systems that provide up to 35 years of renewable energy while improving the lands on which they’re sited.